Here are some HTML and CSS properties:
HTML Properties
- accept: List of types the server accepts, typically a file type.
- accept-charset: List of supported charsets.
- accesskey: Keyboard shortcut to activate or add focus to the element.
- action: The URI of a program that processes the information submitted via the form.
- align: Specifies the horizontal alignment of the element.
- allow: Specifies a feature-policy for the iframe.
- alt: Alternative text in case an image can't be displayed.
- async: Executes the script asynchronously.
- autocapitalize: Sets whether input is automatically capitalized when entered by user.
- autocomplete: Indicates whether controls in this form can by default have their values automatically
completed by the browser.
CSS Properties
- align-content: Aligns items in a flex container along flex lines.
- align-items: Aligns evenly spaced items in a flex container.
- align-self: Aligns an item inside a flex container.
- all: Resets all element properties to its default or inherited values.
- animation: Creates an animating element.
- animation-delay: Sets a delay before an animation begins.
- animation-direction: Sets how, in which direction, an animation is played.
- animation-duration: Defines the duration of an animation cycle.
- animation-fill-mode: Defines how styles are applied before and after animation.
- animation-iteration-count: Sets the number of times an animation is played.